What is the best way to produce a video about Riga? … From the Production Company point of view.
by Hugo Marcos on 18 June 2020

One of the best ways to promote and discover a city is through a guide. Insider’s Guide to Riga, is a series of short videos that aims to promote the city of Riga, using as guides, local celebrities and fictional characters who are telling us witty stories.
The success of this campaign is due to 3 essential factors so that we can say that creativity has no limits: the client: Live Riga; the advertising agency: DDB Latvia; and the film production company:

In 2019 the series was distinguished as the Title of the World's Best Tourism Film by the international Committee of Tourism Film Festivals (CIFFT) endorsed by UNWTO, ETC, CATA and CTO.

In our last interview about the success of the series “Insider’s Guide to Ria” we spoke with Augustinas Katilius from film production company, to distill over the production process.

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