
World’s Best Tourism Film Festivals: Stage Latvia
by CIFFT on 09 April 2021
World’s Best Tourism Film Festivals: Stage Latvia
by CIFFT on 09 April 2021

Riga, the Republic of Latvia’s capital, greets visitors with a unique architecture beautifully reflected in the Baltic Sea. The city is home of the Tourfilm Riga, an international festival dedicated to rewarding the best and more creative Tourism Films and Travel Videos.

The event was founded in 2008 by the Riga City Council, with the intention of sharing worldwide the city’s tourism potential and attracting visitors interested in discussing the latest innovations and trends in the Tourism, Video and Marketing sectors.

A significant differential of the event is the set of experiences that it provides to its international guests, which have the opportunity to immerse in the cultural, artistic and gastronomic wealth of Riga through an exciting program, which also promotes the networking and benchmarking between multidisciplinary professionals.

“I consider that the festival is the best place for the networking between filmmakers, producers, festival organizers, the place to gain new contacts and experience, meeting a lot of new people involved in this sphere as well as encountering the old friends.” said Sandra Inkena, the organizer of Tourfilm Riga.

Currently,  the vibrant and cosmopolitan Riga is a reference in the sphere of tourism communication, having implemented a festival of great prestige and for its creative and innovative marketing strategies. In 2019, the promotional series “Insiders Guide to Riga” produced by DDB Latvia and for Riga Tourism Development Bureau was awarded by CIFFT as the World’s Best Tourism Film.


Since 2009, the Tourfilm Riga is an official member of the International Committee of Tourism Film Festivals (CIFFT), alongside other 13 festivals from four continents, at the most prestigious awards and recognition initiative in the Travel Video Marketing Industry - The World’s Best Tourism Film Awards.

For Sandra Inkena, “Being the official member of CIFFT gives our festival international recognition and importance. We can exchange the experience with the other Festivals as well as gain the best films from them. I am very proud that the International Tourism Film Festival “Tourfilm Riga’ is a member of CIFFT!”

Alexander V. Kammel, CIFFT Director, emphasized the importance of Tourfilm Riga to the unique network of festivals. “Tourfilm Riga is a pioneering initiative in Latvia that stands out for the competition’s quality and the unique experiences offered to the attendees. The event is a great platform to give more notoriety for Tourism Brands.” said.


Founded in: 2008
Member since: 2009
City / Country: Riga, Latvia
Festival dates: 30th Sep. - 02nd Oct 2021
Deadline date: 06/30/2021

The unforgettable Riga

Rīga is a city where cen­turies meet, where Art Nou­veau grandeur con­trasts so­viet prac­ti­cal­ity, where wooden build­ings are re­flected on the walls of new high rises. Rīga, the old­est city in Latvia, has de­vel­oped into an im­por­tant eco­nomic, po­lit­i­cal and cul­tural cen­tre since the Mid­dle Ages. When the for­ma­tion of an in­de­pen­dent Lat­vian Re­pub­lic oc­curred in 1918, Rīga be­came the cap­i­tal.

In re­cent decades Rīga has de­vel­oped into the key fi­nan­cial and trade cen­tre of the Baltics. It is the cul­tural and po­lit­i­cal cen­tre of Latvia, home to more than a third of the coun­try’s pop­u­la­tion and the main dri­ving force of the Lat­vian econ­omy.

Rīga has hosted nu­mer­ous events of in­ter­na­tional sig­nif­i­cance, rang­ing from the Tall Ships Re­gatta to the NATO sum­mit, from the Eu­ro­vi­sion Song Con­test to a Eu­ro­pean Cap­i­tal of Cul­ture. For Rig­ans them­selves there are at least 58 dif­fer­ent Rīgas – 58 neigh­bour­hoods each with its own dis­tinct char­ac­ter.

In Rīga, his­tory is ever-pre­sent in the stun­ning his­tor­i­cal build­ings, in the trib­utes to his­tor­i­cal events, but the at­mos­phere is dom­i­nated by a youth­ful and cre­ative en­ergy. This fu­sion of past and pre­sent can be felt es­pe­cially well in Rīga’s nu­mer­ous cre­ative quar­ters, where the his­tor­i­cal has been pre­served, ren­o­vated, yet the events held there are dis­tinctly young, cre­ative, and con­tem­po­rary.



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