Tourism in South Africa with Trevor Noah

South Africa
Client: Tourism Business Council of South Africa (TBCSA)
Produced by: Seriti TV
Agency: Fastgro Investment Holdings
Category: Country Promotion
Entry Type: Promotional Video


The Trevor Noah Tourism Campaign isn't just about showcasing South Africa's wonders; it's a heartfelt journey guided by pride, belonging, and love for one's homeland. Trevor Noah, the global comedian, embarks on this emotional voyage, infusing each video-advert with palpable pride and inviting viewers to share in his awe. Through partnership with TBCSA, Noah's passionate storytelling at the campaign launch echoes his deep connection to South Africa's culture, beauty, and hospitality.

Goals of the film

The film, a cornerstone of the "Trevor Noah Tourism Campaign For South Africa," shines as a model of destination marketing excellence. With humor, cultural insights, and Trevor Noah's charisma, it promotes South Africa's tourism marvelously. Beyond entertainment, it aims for economic growth, job creation, and social media engagement. This collaboration demonstrates leveraging celebrity influence for impactful marketing. KPI's include impressive impressions across various platforms

Target Group

The campaign targets travelers from Germany, UK, and USA, aiming to promote South Africa's diverse tourism offerings. Through digital targeting, we focus on demographics (21+, USA, UK & Germany), affinities (travel, luxury, beach, water sports, family holidays, nightlife, business), contextual placements (travel websites/apps, YouTube channels), and custom searches (SA trips, family vacations, top tourist destinations, flights/hotels in SA/Africa).