Peru Wow

Client: Promperú
Produced by: Tunche Films
Agency: Mayo
Category: Country Promotion
Entry Type: Promotional Video


"Two astronauts in outer space discover something unusual during a routine scan, capturing their attention. We catch a glimpse of ancient formations and otherworldly landscapes on their navigation screen. Intrigued by their findings, they decide to abort their mission and investigate a mysterious place on Earth called Peru. We witness their amazing voyage through breathtaking landscapes, where they discover a land of wonders beyond expectations. It's an experience that is hard to put into words.

Goals of the film

Strengthen the image of Peru as a diverse and unique tourist destination: a land of unexpected wonders Encourage potential tourists to visit Peru through an inspiring message.

Target Group

"Potential travelers. Mainly Millennials and Generation X, A and B+ socioeconomic levels Americas: 25 to 54 years, Europe: 25 to 65 years"