Lo natural es volver

Client: Urdaibai Turismo
Produced by: Laszlo Hace
Agency: Sormen Komunikazioa
Category: Region Promotion
Entry Type: Promotional Video


It’s about showcasing Urdaibai through emotions and the feelings it evokes in visitors, building intrigue without revealing the destination until the end. It begins in a disorienting way… encouraging viewers to look through a screen or a rearview mirror, to visit in a rush. In other words, we start by saying what Urdaibai is NOT, with references to mass tourism that everyone is familiar with. Then, we reveal what Urdaibai truly IS. Visually, we convey this by transmitting emotion and feeling.

Goals of the film

Comunicar el nuevo posicionamiento del destino turístico. Posicionar claramente la marca en el segmento de público al que nos dirigimos que está muy bien definido.Sentar las bases del tono de la comunicación: pausado, sencillo, directo. Generar impacto y notoriedad.

Target Group

Ecoturistas estado y Europa